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kaleido star ending 1 : real identity

Real identity

when you sabishii toki dou shitemasu ka?
never say sonna no wakannai
nemuru asobu magajin mekuru
sabishii toki wa sabishii yo

mienai denpa ga kyou mo tu tu tu machi ni tobikau
anyway kokoro no bekutoru so many reason hanashiteru

jiyuu ni sora wo tobitaikeredo
hane wo hirogeru basho ga nai
demo shinjiteru

katachi no nai mirai ga aru yo
katachi ni shitai watashi ga iru
kaze wo matte tobidatsu toki hohoemi wo kimi ni
umaku yareru mashiin ja nai
yarenai furi mo shitaku wa nai
shimai konda tsubasa sore wa ugokidashita yuuki

say how iiwake ja nai no ni itsumo
cool eyes nan ni mo iwasenai
damaru nigeru moshiku wa niramu
wakatte nante omowanai

kikitai honto wa kimochi tu tu tu mou afureteru
anyday yasashiku naritai itsumo egao de itai sa

hajimete deau hito ya fuukei
tomadou tabi ni lonely face
senaka marumeru

tomerare nai namida ga aru yo
hanarerare nai nakama ga iru
doko ni datte te wo nobaseba kitto ikeru hazu
tarinai mono takusan aru ne
dakara takusan motomete iru
tadashikute mo machigai demo omoumama fly to the dream

jiyuu ni sora wo tobitaikeredo
hane wo hirogeru basho ga nai
demo shinjiteru

katachi no nai mirai ga aru yo
katachi ni shitai watashi ga iru
kaze wo matte tobidatsu toki hohoemi wo kimi ni
umaku yareru mashiin ja nai
yarenai furi mo shitaku wa nai
shimai konda tsubasa sore wa ugokidashita yuuki

Anglický preklad :

When you're lonely, what do you do?
Never say that you don't know. Sleep, play, browsing magazines.
Lonely times are indeed lonely.

Today, the invisible cellular signals are again tu lu tu tu flying about the city.
Anyway, with the vectors of my heart, so many reasons are said.

We'd like to fly freely in the sky, but we have no place to spread our wings.
But believe.

There are futures without form. I want to make a form of it, so I am here.
As you wait for the wind before taking off, I smile at you.
You're not a machine that performs perfectly every time. You don't have to make a show out of failure.
True courage lies in the fact that you were moving your broken wings.

Say how you never make any excuses.
Cool eyes that never say anything. Are you being silent, running way, or maybe scowling?
Or is it that you understand? I can't sense it.

Let me hear your true feelings tu lu tu tu It's overflowing.
Any day, you strive to be so kind, but your smile always has pain behind it.

You treat new people as if they were just background. You carry your lonely face on your perplexed journey.
Your back all hunched up.

There are tears that will never stop. Friends that refuse to leave you are right here.
You reach out your hand toward someplace, surely we'll go there someday.
There are plently of unsatisfactory things right? That's why there are lots to wish for.
It's true that mistakes can be made, but thoughts can yet fly to the dreams.

We'd like to fly freely in the sky, but we have no place to spread our wings.
But believe.

There are futures without form. I want to make a form of it, so I am here.
As you wait for the wind before taking off, I smile at you.

You're not a machine that performs perfectly every time. You don't have to make a show out of failure.

True courage lies in the fact that you were moving your broken wings.

Slovenský preklad :Skutočná identita

Keď si osamelý čo robíš?
Nikdy nepovedz , že nevieš.Spíš , hráš , čítaš časopisy
Osamelé časy su skutočne osamelé
dnes , neviditeľné spojenia lietajú po meste
akokoľvek , navádzaš moje srdce , povedal si mnoho dôvodov
mohli by sme lietať voľne na oblohe , ale nemáme žiadny priestor k rožšíreniu našich krídel
Ale veríme
Sú tam bez formy , ja chcem vytvoriť ich tvar , tak som tu
keď čakáš na vietor skôr než vzlietneš , usmejem sa na teba
nie si stroj , aby si to vždy perfektne splnil
nemusíš vytvárať chyby
vlastná odvaha sa rodí v skutočnosti , hýbal si tvojimi zlomenými krídlami
nehovor , že sa nevyhováraš
chladné oči nikdy nič nehovoria , mlčíš , bežíš ulicou , alebo sa snáď mračíš?
alebo to je , že rozumieš? nechápem to
nechaj ma vypočuť si tvoje city
ktorýkoľvek deň sa snažíš byť láskavý , ale tvoj úsmev vždy bolí
jednáš s ľuďmi ako keby boli len pozadie..nesieš svoju osamelú tvár po ceste
slzy sa nikdy nezastavia , priatelia ťa odmietajú opustiť
niekam natiahneš ruku , iste sa tam niekedy pôjdeme
je tam veľa neuspokojivých vecí že? preto je tam i veľa túžiacich
je pravda , že môžeš urobiť chybu , ale myšlienky môžu letieť k snom
mali by sme letieť voľne na oblohu , ale nemáme žiadny priestor na rožšírenie krídel
ale veríme
sú tam bez formy , ja chcem vytvoriť ich tvar , tak som tu
keď čakáš na vietor skôr než vzlietneš , usmejem sa na teba
nie si stroj , aby si to vždy perfektne splnil
nemusíš robiť chyby
vlastná odvaha sa rodí v skutočnosti , keď hýbeš tvojimi zlomenými krídlami.

Texty anime piesní a ich preklady | stály odkaz


  1. to co je!
    to je preklad coho sa cem spytat
    publikované: 05.06.2007 14:34:22 | autor: sora neagino-efka (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  2. Autor
    tej pesničky z endingu kaleidostar...
    publikované: 05.06.2007 20:10:06 | autor: Dagmar (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
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